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Showing posts with the label Heaven At Last


Text: John 16:12 And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. Memory Verse: Psalm 107:21-22 In Christ Jesus, true believers have fullness of life  irrespective of life's daily challenges and the onslaught of the wicked ones. Our Saviour told His apostles shortly before He ascended into Heaven that they would have challenges and trials but at last, they would have joy unshakeable. We should understand that our work with the Lord comes with divers trials and when we preserve without giving up, He shows Himself as a great deliverer. If the farmer could patiently wait till the time of harvest when his crops would have matured, we should be patient with the Lord. He will make us joyful from this month through the year and beyond as we serve Him in obedience to His word. The Lord clearly understands what you are passing through and has come down to give you the joy of your heart. What He demands is casting ...


Matthew 7:21 "not every one that saith to me, Lord Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in Heaven "  Your Life Style Reveals, Your Master . MEMORY VERSE: John 14:15     The activities of so many people in the Christianson now days send confusing signals. This is  because their daily lifestyle does not agree with the word of God. It's as if one denomination's belief is different from others and yet they are calling Jesus, Jesus.    Our consolation in the Church is that we know too well, that no one can deceive God   no matter how many years he or she has been in the Church.  Every body can claim to be born again, but the truth is that God knows those who are His children. You must understand that the things you love doing reveals whether Jesus is your master or the devil.  You cannot fake it because the eyes of God are everywhere and darkness is like the day before Him. are y...