Matthew 7:21 "not every one that saith to me, Lord Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in Heaven" Your Life Style Reveals, Your Master. MEMORY VERSE: John 14:15 The activities of so many people in the Christianson now days send confusing signals. This is because their daily lifestyle does not agree with the word of God. It's as if one denomination's belief is different from others and yet they are calling Jesus, Jesus. Our consolation in the Church is that we know too well, that no one can deceive God no matter how many years he or she has been in the Church. Every body can claim to be born again, but the truth is that God knows those who are His children. You must understand that the things you love doing reveals whether Jesus is your master or the devil. You cannot fake it because the eyes of God are everywhere and darkness is like the day before Him. are you a Christian and yet you are so much engrossed in worldliness and materialsm or you follow the trend of the people of this world? If so, Jesus Christ is not your master and you should know. Our love for God should be real and practical and not mechanical or conditional. When we love Him, we will love others, see less of their faults and serve God in truth and spirit. Therefore take a stock of the things that you love so much and see if they please God and repent if they do not because the time is at hand. In our memory verse, Jesus told us point blank to keep His commandments if we love Him, and anything other than this, is of the devil. And so, if you have been deceiving yourself, face the reality now and amend your ways. Remember you cannot be a friend of the world and a friend of Jesus, no it is not possible PRAYER POINTS: pray and truly decide to love God. Pray and search yourself from every ungodly love. May God help us all in Jesus name Amen
Okrika bags business is a booming business. Fairly Used Bags business as it is sometimes referred to continues to grow even with government prohibiting them and the use of them in Nigeria, it is termed controband. I believe the okrika bags business will continue to grow in Africa because the white will always ship them down for income. These used bags are mostly from charity homes from the western countries and we the Africans patronize them more because we have many low income earners. The business is very lucrative that is why our brothers and sisters still find a way to smuggle them into the country even with the embargo. Fairly Used Bags Business Means A Lot To Many People: Okrika business means a lot to so many people especially the youth, the low income earners and fashion freaks. On Market days in my area you need to see the population of people and University girls that troop to the market to buy okrika bags and clothes, shoes and undies etc. A lot of people believe that s...