Our Salvation is a continuous process, until the rapture takes place or the person is called to Glory. Everyone must continue to do the needful for the salvation of his or her soul and for the final eternal life. As long as we are still on this earth, our Salvation must continue to be our priority. We keep on working out our Salvation with fear and trembling
In that case there is no time one will stop the work of God. Age is not a barrier to the work of God. An individual Christianson at old age will do the work as his or her strength will carry him or her. In the Bible says we read the stories of Someone, an old man in Jerusalem whom the Holy Ghost revealed to that he would not see death until he sees our Lord Jesus Christ even at old age, he kept on attending service until he witnesses the dedication of our Lord Jesus Christ in the
Also another old woman called Anna was present in the temple to witness the dedication of our Lord Jesus Christ they were happy to see the child Jesus, we have witnessed the Testimony of one old Papa from Enugwu-Ezike, who at the age of 117 years still goes out in morning cry to preach
Service to God must continue until one breathes his or her last. You keep on preaching the Gospel, doing the best for you to make Heaven until the trumpet sounds.
Pray that God should continue to guide you so that you do not derail in the work of work
Ask God to continue to strengthen you to do the work of the ministry.