Do to others what you will like them to do unto you, that is the golden rule.
If people know and apply this rule, there won't be any evil in the land. But most times this is not the case. If you know and may be feel the pain when a particular action or behavior is meted out to you, you will not exhibit that kind of behavior to others.
It is common to see people gossiping about their fellow brothers or sisters, all in a bid to curry favour or remove a brother from his position. If you are given to such behavior, just remember The Golden Rule.
The evil you are brooding or planning against others, if the plan it against you, will you like it? Love your neighbor as yourself.
Is not seeking his/her down fall remember when you are pointing a finger at another person, the other four are pointing at you. You should not be envious of another man's/woman's success or position.
God is not partial
The things of this world are turn by turn. Instead of sponsoring false allegation against your fellow brother or a Pastor in order for him to lose his position, pray to God to remember you.
Note, if that brother or Pastor is removed from that position, the position may not be given to you, even if you manipulate and get the position, you can be disgraced out of it or God may even kill you in that position because you did not get there by divine placement but through cunning craftiness, so be warned. Church is not a village meeting or a political party where you have so many intrigues and evil plans against your opponent.
You did not come to Church because of posts
And no matter how you manipulate, if God says you will not get a particular post, you will never get it.
So concentrate on serving God in righteousness and will divinely place you where he want you to be.
Pray that God will help you to love your neighbor as yourself.
Also pray that God should separate you from mischief Makers in the Church.