LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART: SERVE GOD WITH JOY; that thing that can happen to any man is to be genuinely born again and a member of God's family. The Bible says that eyes have not seen nor have ears heard what God has prepard for those who truly love Him. By the grace of God children of God knows what God has in stock for us after the close of the age.
should therefore act as the prospelling force to endure every situation and serve our God with joy. It is lack of knowledge that makes many Christians who are passing through hard times to serve God grudgingly. When you push your troubles aside and follow God joyfully and without compromise, your enemies will be subdued and that trouble will give way for the glory of God to be revealed. Nothing weakens the enemy more than when a child of God keeps praising and worshipping Him in the face of his/ her troubles. It is a thing of joy to be called a child of God, or have you forgotten that he who has CHRIST has everything? It would be fattal mistake to measure our relationship with God with material or earthly things we have. Our memory verse reminds us on the need to always serve God with joy because he is coming to take us to a place of everlasting joy AMEN. We should never allow any situation to weigh us down and take a toll on our spiritual life because that will signal the enemy that he is winning when he has actually been defeated by our MASTER JESUS CHRIST. and so whatever you do in the name of the Lord, do it willingly and with joy..Prayer Points: pray and decree that you will serve God with joy. Bind every spirit of discouragement and backsliding.